A Story of Contrasts


by Rick Geiger

      I am going to tell you a story-a story based on a pod cast posted by that famous galactic traveler and reporter, ET. (Pause.) I think I know the phrase that is going through each of your minds. As long as those words are stuck in your minds, you may be impeded from hearing the rest of the story. So let’s verbalize the phrase. All together now. ‘’phone home”. Once more but louder this time. “PHONE HOME.”   
     Excellent. Great audience. To continue my story…..ET’s podcast is entitled “A Tale of Two Planets.” These earth-like planets, known as Mach 5 and Sander 7 are twin planets revolving around double stars in a remote corner of the Milky Way. They had been studied by cultural anthropologists from ET’s race. These scholars had discovered that the humanoid civilizations on each planet are of the same age and, genetically, have a common origin. ET decided to write about the two planets because of their distinct cultural differences.
     As ET‘s shuttle flew over each planet, ET noticed that on Mach 5 the two largest continents Camera and Russina had extensive areas where top soil and vegetation had been removed.  The urban areas were large and sprawling and overcast with a smoky haze. From the five smaller continents many columns of dense black smoke arose. Large blackened areas could be seen in many locations on the smaller continents. The vegetation on Mach 5 was rather sparse and the growth of the limited number of trees seemed stunted. Evidence of wild animal life seemed to be rather sparse on Mach 5.
      The humanoids on Sander 7 enjoyed a much more peaceful and prosperous existence than those of Mach 5. The Sander 7 cities were large, few in number, and limited in area. Nor was there any pollution that ET could observe during his flyover.  Except for the roads and cities, lush vegetation from grasslands to forests to productive farms covered the land surface of Sander 7 and supported a wide variety of wild animal species.
     ET was not surprised at the geo-physical differences in the twin planets. He had read that the humanoid cultures of each were quite dissimilar. On Mach 5, for example, Camera and Russina had been engaged in centuries-long warfare. The conflict seemed to be centered on the five smaller continents that were rich in non-renewable energy sources and mineral resources. There were humanoid inhabitants on these smaller land masses which we earthlings might think of as third world countries. They had not advanced technologically due to their nomadic lifestyle necessitated by the violent clashes between the superpowers of Mach 5.
     What ET was curious about were the factors that resulted in the development of such diverse cultures on twin planets. To that end he conducted interviews with the inhabitants of Mach 5 and Sander 7. You can see the taped interviews on the podcast if you choose. I will repeat only some of the dialog here.

     ET speaking to inhabitants of Russina:
ET: I understand that Camera and Russina have been fighting for hundreds of years. What is the source of the conflict?

Russinian reply: Those Camerans have never been willing to share the natural wealth of the five smallest land mases on Mach 5.

ET: Isn’t there enough wealth for Camera, Russina, and the inhabitants of the smaller continents?
Russinian: My good, er, man. All resources and non-renewable energy sources are limited by their very nature.  We owe it to our descendants to secure as much wealth as possible so that those descendants can survive as long as possible.

ET speaking to inhabitants of Camera: I was speaking to a Russinian who felt that there is not enough wealth on Mach 5 to support all humanoid inhabitants of Russina, of Camera, and of the five smaller continents. Would you agree?

Cameran reply:  He is absolutely correct! However, once Russina conquers and decimates the entire population of Camera and enslaves the inhabitants of the five smaller planets, there will be enough wealth to support all Camerans for centuries. By that time we will be militarily strong enough to launch imperialistic invasions of other planets.  

     The following are excerpts from ET’s interviews with inhabitants of Sander 7.
ET: Your planet seems to be emitting very little pollution; it has vast natural plant growth with a wide variety of wild animal species; no huge violent storms ravaging the planet. The population seems prosperous and content. Would this be an accurate description of Sander 7?

Sanderer response:  There is very little pollution on Sander 7 because of the most effective equipment for collecting pollutants before they are expelled into the environment. Our factories are mostly automated and are located miles from our urban areas so that any toxins that do escape can only negatively affect very few, if any, of our citizens. The rest of your assessment of Sander 7 is accurate.

ET: Unlike your twin planet, Mach 5, I see no evidence of war. What accounts for the stark differences between Mach 5 and Sander 7?

Sanderer: The twin planets were not always so different. Two thousand years ago, the continents of Sander 7 were in much the same plight as Mach 5. Constantly fighting for energy and mineral resources.

ET: Surely something significant must have occurred that gave Sander 7 a new direction…. 

Sanderer: This significant occurrence happened two thousand years ago.  According to legend (and most of us believe in the accuracy of this legend), an entity identifying itself as a galactic ambassador for peace, appeared simultaneously to the political and military leaders of each of the warring factions of Sander7.  This entity is referred to as “The Spirit”.
      The Spirit began addressing each group by asking why they had been constantly at war for so very long. “Does it make you happy? Does it prosper all of your citizens? Who does this war benefit other than the weapons makers who sell their products to all sides? The weapons makers and distributors are permitted to thrive, whereas the rest of you suffer. How do you justify that suffering?”
A general with more nerve than most protested that “we have a right to defend our continent from attack. If we don’t, our citizens will be killed or enslaved. If that happens they will be neither happy nor prosperous.”
      The entity known as The Spirit replied, “You not only have the right but also the obligation to defend yourselves, if attacked. All humanoids are born with certain rights including the right to live a healthful life, to choose freely, to pursue happiness, and to access the common good. These rights are intrinsic and indelible – they cannot be taken away. Governments should prioritize the implementation and protection of every citizens’ opportunities to experience these rights. Starting a war threatens these rights. Unnecessarily inflicting injuries on others either deliberately or negligently threatens these rights.
     “No individual has the right to prevent anyone else from experiencing their inalienable rights. All humanoids are created with individual inalienable rights and so deserve to experience those rights. If an adult is able, willing, and in need of work, he/she should be given a good job that serves the common good and that minimally pays enough for the adult and his/her dependents to live a healthful lifestyle. The society is not obligated to support citizens who are able but unwilling to work.                 
     "Humanoids should be allowed to contract with one another for goods and services, as long as those contracts are not abusive to anyone. The quality of non-human life and beauty should be preserved and protected for these things are part of the common good. Those who habitually abuse others should not be supported until and unless they desist. Every individual must accept responsibility for his/her decisions and for the consequences of those decisions. By following these words, greater justice will prevail on Sander 7 and everyone will be happier”.

ET: I can understand that if all inhabitants of your planet took those words to heart and lived accordingly, that the result would be peace, environmental quality, enhancement of the common good, and the end of poverty. Does this account for the difference between Sander 7 and Mach 5?

Sanderer: All I can say for sure is that it accounts for the contrast between war-ravaged Sander 7 of 2000 years ago and the Sander 7 of today.
      This has been a story based on a podcast by ET that documents his trip to the twin planets Mach 5 and Sander7. I encourage you to watch the full podcast on line. And don’t forget to phone home.

